Ramping Up on Large Codebases
As software engineers, we are frequently expected to learn large codebases and become productive relatively quickly. One of my colleagues asked for advice on ramping up on large codebases. This is a complex topic where there is no one right answer, but I’ll try to briefly summarize what I learned over the years.
One thing to keep in mind is that the size footprint of the codebase is not necessarily an indicator of the learning curve. There are some systems that are broad, but somewhat shallow. An example would be a large website where if you understand how one feature works full-stack, you will understand most of it. Learning them is usually not that hard.
The rest of the advice is for software that is on the deep end of the spectrum - codebases that have high levels of abstractions.
Understand the software from the user perspective
Before you look under the hood, try to use the software as an end user and gain an understanding of what it’s supposed to do.
Skim the docs
Read the available documentation (if there are any), but be aware that technical documentation tends to go stale and is rarely kept up-to-date.
Code reading
Reading and making sense of large code-bases is an art. A few tips:
It is not realistic to read and understand a large part of the codebase. Often times, you may want to focus on the most important parts of the code that gives you the best ROI of your time.
Figure out the important abstractions and try to create a mental model of them.
Look for invariants, pre and post conditions and side effects.
Sometimes it’s worth looking at the past checkins and code reviews to understand how developers made changes to the codebase for specific projects.
Use the right tools
You would want the right tools to navigate around large codebases so that you can go to the definition of a class/method or inspect the type hierarchy with one click or keystroke. If you’re using Java or Scala, consider using an IDE. I’m an Emacs user myself, but I stick to an IDE while programming in Java. Other relevant tools include cscope, ctags, etags (if you’re using Emacs).
Look at the tests
Unit and integration tests can provide insight into how individual components are supposed to be used.
Use a debugger
Set a few breakpoints in the codepaths you want to understand and use a debugger to step through the code.
Learn by doing
Finally, the only way to learn is actually by working on specific projects. Look at the roadmap/project list and pick tasks that balance utility and your learning.